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Friday, February 8, 2008

Let's Have A Talkfest

Well, I first must admit, this is my first attempt at blogging. Really, it is very much "me", because writing is a long-lost passion of mine. There are a lot of cool business things I want to write about, but you may also find other interesting topics as well on this site. Hopefully, we can create a community of passionate visionaries shaping the future of shopper marketing and shopper insights. I am on a personal mission...that is to invigorate the people around me to foster a love for consumers, tell great stories about them that lead to innovative design and communication. I want part of our legacy to reshape grocery shopping into an enjoyable experience for all.

So let's start talking!

What are you passionate about? Why?
What is keeping you awake at night?


alec_maki said...

Jason...I'd love to have a dialogue about ways to improve shopper marketing and shopper insights.

Jason Buschlen said...

Great! Spread the word about this blog and let's have fun!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Kudos for getting people talking and spreading the word about your world. I am excited to read more excerpts and wish you luck!


Jason Buschlen said...


Thank you so much. I'd love to hear what you have to say too!