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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My frustration with the Quick Trip

My kids drink too much...Milk, Juice and whatever else they are allowed to get their hands on.

I've heard that all kids are thirsty creatures. I find myself having to make a lot of late night quick trips to the store so there is milk in the fridge for breakfast the next morning. Tonight was one of those nights. I actually look forward to my wife asking me to go pick up more drinks for one simple reason...Haagen Daaz Butter Pecan ice cream. There is nothing else like it and I am happy to pay just about whatever they ask for it. It's that good!

Within driving distance to my house, there are two stores I can easily choose from. Tonight I went to the further store because the closest one was closed. My mouth was watering for the Haagen the whole one sitting! This particular store did not have my flavor, it wasn't out of stock, they just didn't stock it. They had other Haagen Daaz flavors, like Mango, but no Butter Pecan (which is the 3rd most popular flavor of ice cream).

So I walked out with a total ring of $7 instead of $11. Futhermore, I know that since my wife never buys this indulgence for me, I can sneak it past her during these quick trips.

Retailers can do a much better job of understanding my needs and how profitable these trips can be as a result. Butter Pecan Haagen Daaz, not Mango, not Vanilla; not even the milk, juice and Coke is what is important to me for that trip to be satisfying. Not having it has left me feeling empty (literally) and will end up costing them my future business for these late night milk runs I so often make.

Lesson: The obvious is not always the most important. Look for hidden insight to improve the experience.

1 comment:

Blah, Blah, Blog said...

I couldn't agree more and have had the same experience. Though there's so much work on shopper behavior and trip studies, I think the results are in its infancy.

I can't tell you how many times I wished that I could get baby formula around the corner instead of heading into a bigger trip into more of a grocery shopping event.

In so many ways, things are doing what they've always done, though I do admire certain new service offers, like at the BP Connects; who'd of thunk you'd eat at a gas station?