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Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's Officially A Fact!

One thing I continuously strive for is creating insights and not simply facts. Don't get me wrong, facts are important, but they rarely are inspire great marketing.

So, I am officially putting an end to calling this statement an insight, it is now forever...a fact; Here it is..."Moms are Time Starved". Or Time Crunched, busy or my most favorite, "Time Famined"!

Can we all agree that this is the state of the American society? This is no longer an "a-ha moment". It is now time to move on to deeper, more meaningful insights.

Gotta go now, I'm famined for time and have to get ready for another time starved day at the office!


Unknown said...

Hey Jason - good to see that you found a forum to vent.

Anonymous said...

Jason, I agree with your comment. There are a lot of corporate phrases that have been so "genericized" they have lost meaning to both corporations as well as consumers. It's time to find out the underlying dimensions so we can properly address consumers' real needs and stop talking in "corporate-speak" to people.

Good luck getting the website up - I'm looking forward to it!

Jen Hanson

Anonymous said...

Jason, I agree, and I don't think it's so much about hackneyed phases as it is about selling and re-selling yesterday's news as if it were today's.
Other examples: "Men and women shop differently"; "Women control a larger part of the budget now"; "Men have discovered shopping".
If we are to offer real shopper insights, we need to go a step further, to the "So What?" phase ...

Anonymous said...

just through with an inconclusive debate with a client, a highly respected (make it revered) marketing company on the definition of insight. there is the feel (aha, how did you know this about me?) to insights and there is the content. have found the latter to be more vague in everyone's mind. the key to the definition is 'what motivates' people to do what they do? the need gap, the desire, call it what you will. perhaps a simple check is to see if it can be used to complete the sentence 'people want to ...., but ...' this ensures we capture the motivation and the gap... clearly 'mom's are time starved' won't do :-)